
The Nine Muses

The nine muses were the gods of the arts. The gods of inspiration. They brought happiness, joy, and laughter to Mt.Olympus. There were nine of them. All of them had a different art that they represented. There was Calliope, she was the muse of epics, there was Clio, she was the muse of history, next was Erato, she was the muse of lyrics, then was Euterpe, muse of music, then went Thalia, muse of comedy, Melpomene, muse of tradgedy, Terpsichore was the muse of dance, Urania was the muse of astronomy, and last was Polyhymnia, muse of hymns. They could not be beat when it comes to singing, they even beat the sirens!

The Muses


Calliope was the head of the nine muses. She was the muse of epics. Her symbol was the writing tablet.  She had a son named Orpheus, and he was the most beautiful singer of all time. He loved a woman named Euridice, so he sang as beautiful as ever. Calliope was very proud of him.


Clio is the second of the nine muses. She is the muse of history. Her symbol is the scroll. She gave birth to Hyacinthus. She also introduced the Phonician alphabet into greece. She is usually pictured sitting or standing with a roll of paper. Her name means "The Proclaimer"


Erato was the third of the nine muses. She was the muse of lyric poetry. Her symbol was a lyre (a type of stringed instrument). Her name means "lovely". She turns men who fallow her into men worthy to be loved. She is fond of the poets of love


Euterpe was the muse of music. Her symbol is the flute. Her name means "delight". She brings joy to all who hear her sing. She invented the flute. She plays the double flute


Thalia was the muse of comedy. Her symbol is the comic mask. She is pictured holding her comic mask and a shepered's staff or a wreath of ivy. Her name is also used by one of the Three Graces. 


Melpomene is the muse of tragedy. Her symbol is the tragic mask. She is pictured holding the tragic mask in most pictures. She is also pictured wearing Cothurnus, a type of boots tragic actors wear. She can also be pictured holding a knife


Terpsichore was the muse of dance. Her symbol was the lyre, like Erato. She is represented sitting and holding a lyre. She is the mother of the sirens, like from The Oddessy. But even though they were Terpsichore's daughters, the muses beat the sirens in a singing contest, and got to pluck their feathers and make crowns out of them.


Urania was the muse of astronamy. She was also known as the protector of the stars and moon and the muse of universal love. Her symbol was a globe. she is represented with a globe in her left hand and a peg in her right. Her name means "heavenly".


Polyhymnia was the muse of sacred hymns. She usually has a pensive look on her face. She also is pictured in a medatation position. She always looks serious. She usually has a finger to her mouth.
